Project Tradex gives you the opportunity to have your own cryptocurrency. Through the electronic commerce of trading and playing, you can generate thousands of dollars in digital gold called cryptocurrency and, thus, evolve your financial freedom.
TradeX token gives you the opportunity to have your own cryptocurrency. Through the electronic commerce of TRADING and MINING, you can generate thousands of dollars in digital gold called Cryptocurrency and thus evolve in your financial freedom.
Multi Currency smart wallet
TradeX Exchange
Now Everyone can be part of the Crypto revolution.
Monthly 4% for 6 times
Monthly Return
for 6 times
4% roi each time
Monthly 5.1% for 6 times
Monthly Return
for 6 times
5.1% roi each time
Monthly 6% for 6 times
Monthly Return
for 6 times
6% roi each time
Monthly 7.2% for 6 times
Monthly Return
for 6 times
7.2% roi each time
Monthly 8.1% for 6 times
Monthly Return
for 6 times
8.1% roi each time
Monthly 10.2% for 6 times
Monthly Return
for 6 times
10.2% roi each time
+44 7537107559
Total User
Total Repeat
Total Deposit
Total Withdraw
We are rewarding all investors with lucrative incentives. COME AND JOIN US TO BRING REVOLUTION
£ 50000
£ 10000
£ 3000
£ 2400
£ 1500
£ 1025
£ 1000
£ 1000
Name | Date | Currency | Amount |
Name | Date | Currency | Amount |